The identity list technique is a method of self improvement which helps you to become the kind of person who you desire to be. The technique involves building up a list of “proof” that you are this desirable person until one day there is so much proof that you will accept that you have become this person.
I first heard about this technique in the book ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear. I don’t think he referred to it as an ‘identity list’ but the technique itself is the same.
If you’ve reached this article then I’m guessing that you already know what kind of person you want to be so this step should be easy for you. Just make sure you choose a specific persona such as “entrepreneur” or “healthy eater” instead of a general one such as “better person”.
Your list can be a document on your computer, a note taking app on your phone, in a journal, or good old fashioned pen and paper. We’re only making a simple list here so take whatever approach works for you. Name your list something like “I’m a healthy eater because…” as this will help you accept and adopt your new persona.
Each time you do anything that your new person would do, add it to your list as soon as possible. You’ll get a feel for the type of things you should add as you build your list and I’ve also given some examples below to help you get started.
Reviewing your list regularly is an important part of using the identity list technique because its necessary in order for you to accept that you have become the new person. Reviewing your list is also beneficial if you’re feeling some resistance to doing the things you know you should do.
Write down any action you take, thought you have, or observation you make about yourself which matches the actions/thoughts/observations made by the persona you desire to become.
This is the most obvious category and you’ll likely find it easy to add such things to your list. Any time you choose to physically carry out a behaviour such as “making a sales call” (if you desire to be an entrepreneur) or “ate healthy food” (for those seeking a healthy diet) then get it added to your list.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that your thoughts are less important than your actions: Thoughts are the precursor to action and therefore belong on your list every bit as much as actions themselves. If you want to become an entrepreneur and you thought about how you might launch a new business idea then get it added to your list. It doesn’t matter that you thought about it instead of doing it as it still counts as proof that you are becoming your new persona.
Keep an eye out for any subconscious behavior you make which serves as proof of you becoming who you want to be. For example, if you find yourself staring at the morning commuters making their way to yet another day at some dreary office and you feel a sense of “glad that’s not me” then that counts as proof that you’re supposed to be an entrepreneur. Or if you pass a fast food vendor and find the smell of the place makes you gag then that is proof that you only eat healthy food.
Simply wanting to become somebody else is usually not enough to actually become that person. It’s as though a piece of you is reluctant to change and in order to keep you from becoming this new person it will fight back by:
Identity lists work by combating these negative attacks. They help you to change by reminding you of all the work in order to convincing you that you have become this new person.
If you want to try using the identity list technique in order to stop eating junk food and become a person who has a healthy diet then here are some ideas for items you might like to add to your list.
Here are some examples of things you might like to add to your identity list if your goal in life is to become an entrepreneur.