Push Notifications in Rails with VAPID - A Simple Guide
Bare bones guide to sending web push notifications in Ruby on Rails using VAPID keys, Stimulus, and the WebPush Gem.
Bare bones guide to sending web push notifications in Ruby on Rails using VAPID keys, Stimulus, and the WebPush Gem.
How to change the Trix heading button to h2 and add new buttons to the Trix toolbar.
How to easily add nested forms to Ruby on Rails using has and belongs to many associations, StimulusJS, and HTML template tags.
How to configure and deploy a Ruby on Rails app on a Digital Ocean Ubuntu droplet.
Guide for becoming a fully qualified Vim Ninja.
How to find orphaned records and missing associations via the Rails console in Rails 6
How to filter Jekyll posts based on a specific category, tag, or any other array or in the front matter (also works with substrings).
Building re-usable and configurable components for Jekyll sites using Nokogiri and Liquid block plugins.
How to set specific Jekyll posts to private so they only get published on local or private servers.
Guide for converting space indented files into tabs and vice versa when using vim. Includes a description of vim's indent related commands and options such as noexpandtab and tabstop.
What is the difference between Ruby's Nil, Empty, Blank, and Present? Features a concise description of each method with examples, a compare table, and some questions for testing your knowledge.